Hey Everyone,
So tomorrow is my first transfers. My trainer is leaving (sad)... But I'm being coupled with my old district leader from the MTC. It's great, I love him, he's a great guy!! It's kind of cool because we've both only been out 6 weeks and we still have 6 more weeks of infield training to do. So we'll be training ourselves : ). I'm also psyched to be called as Senior Companion! Although I'm not sure the title does all that much, it's none the less an honor.
So tomorrow is my first transfers. My trainer is leaving (sad)... But I'm being coupled with my old district leader from the MTC. It's great, I love him, he's a great guy!! It's kind of cool because we've both only been out 6 weeks and we still have 6 more weeks of infield training to do. So we'll be training ourselves : ). I'm also psyched to be called as Senior Companion! Although I'm not sure the title does all that much, it's none the less an honor.
Life in the mission is good. I notice myself falling more and more into my mission - leaving the rest of the world behind - and I love it. It makes the work more enjoyable. We have 5 people on date. It's been messy getting our baptisms to happen. People have moved or a couple need more time - which is good, I don't want to rush anyone on a decision like this. But I hope to have the number doubled by next week : ) Good stuff.
Last week we had regional Conference and it was held at the Conference Center downtown by temple square. That was really neat. And next week is the Brigham City Temple detication. Just more perks to being called to a Utah mission! I'm in the mission choir and that is loads of fun. Very powerful stuff! We had our first performance last night at a Mission fireside in the Granger Stake Center. I'm looking forward to having a fireside like this every month!
Best of Luck,
Elder Lewis