Monday, August 20, 2012

Que Pasa?!
So I've been in the field for two and a half weeks now. It's great. We are the first group to enter the the Salt Lake City West MIssion offically called there (rather than the SLC South or SLC Missions). I was really homesick and MTC-sick the first several days, but the more I teach the better I have felt.

The mission is very small. It only covers the Granger, Hunter and Magna areas of the Salt Lake Valley. Despite it's small boundary there are supposed to be 140 missionaries here soon. Right now there are less than a hundred so there is some ways to go. My president is great. He has a great wife as well.

My trainer is Elder Isaksen. He has been out over a year and is from Norway. He is a pretty cool guy. Right now we have three people schedule to be baptized and we are working with a lot more towards that goal. There are over 40,000 less active members in our mission so there is a lot of effort being put there. Its so uplifting to see how the Restored Gospel brings happiness and peace into people lives. And then to think that I facilitated their spiritual growth.... Amazing.  
Best of Luck,
Elder M. Lewis

Saturday, August 4, 2012

Update from the MTC

Dear World,
The MTC is great. I really enjoy my time here. My teachers are great and the food is great too -  at least it tastes good. My Residence Hall is renovated and so is my Classroom. My district and I are truely lucky to be in MTC luxury.

Drew Povey and his family dropped me off at the MTC. Drew baptized me back in December 2010 and just got off his mission the day I went in!! I happend to 2.5 hrs late though, but I think it was worth it. I had two companions Elder Duke and Elder Rackham for the first week, but after some shifting around I am only companions with Elder Rackham now. It's definately a differently life living with someone on your hip but I'm already learning a lot about personal relations : )

I have been called as Zone leader for my Branch. It's a really cool position. I have five districts I oversee with missionaries going to Sweden, Norway, SLC, Indianapolis, Oklahoma, Idaho, Virginia, Canada, and a few other missions I can't recall at the minute.

I got into the MTC on the 18th and am leave this coming Tuesday - time flies! The first Sunday the Branch Presidency is teaching you all the rules, and the next their going over your departure itinerary. Crazy!

Anyway, it's great. I'm so happy to be focusing on one cause: Having people stregthened in Jesus Christ, being brought to the full potential our Father in Heaven sees in us. It's awesome to see myself growing as well. I'm ready to leave the MTC but I"m also sad to say goodbye. I'm super excited to teach though and help others; also for winter : )
Elder Lewis
p.S. I saw Elder Benson, who is going to the North Adriatic Mission. He is a good friend from Austin and who I wish the best. Be sure to check out his blog as well.